Hi there. Do you mind if I ask, say if I was to request an upload, do you have access to the BBC archives? Reason I ask, a virtually unknown Belfast new-wave band called True Colours once recorded a session for Janice Long in 1984, I taped it (by accident) off of AM radio, but I ended up loving it! My recording is low-fi, with annoying bursts of AM interference all over the place, and I'd die to hear it in good quality. You seem to have a huge lot of obscure material, so I wondered if you were in a position where you can retrieve anything you want from the archives. Thank you.
Hi there. Do you mind if I ask, say if I was to request an upload, do you have access to the BBC archives? Reason I ask, a virtually unknown Belfast new-wave band called True Colours once recorded a session for Janice Long in 1984, I taped it (by accident) off of AM radio, but I ended up loving it! My recording is low-fi, with annoying bursts of AM interference all over the place, and I'd die to hear it in good quality. You seem to have a huge lot of obscure material, so I wondered if you were in a position where you can retrieve anything you want from the archives. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi, I don't have any access to the archives, but I'll certainly look out for it.